Dramatic Events Bring Clarity about Ultimate Values: Benghazi Hero in Lake Charles Tomorrow
BENGHAZI HERO in Lake Charles TOMORROW, Sunday, at Civic Center Rally 2-4 pm.
Dramatic events can clarify what previously seemed murky. Sept. 11, 2012 our Diplomatic Compound in Benghazi. The only help came from 6 military contractors in a nearby CIA Annex. No help came from our massive air assets, nor from our military bases all around the Mediterranean Sea. For 13 HOURS these brave patriots and the other couple dozen honorable Americans fought for their lives, ultimately leaving 4 dead, including Ambassador Stevens. The Jihadists who carried out the planned attack drug his body through the streets, taking pictures to humiliate mighty America. (I'll post a picture of it in the comments; it's too much to put in the main post for those who don't know what they are about to see.)
If you haven't seen the Movie, 13 Hours, WATCH IT TONIGHT!! And I'll see YOU Tomorrow at the Civic Center Amphitheater Pavilion. The Republican Rally is from 2-4 pm, and Republican candidates for office will be there. Come and listen to Mark "Oz" Geist, Heroic Defender of Benghazi.
Let's refresh our memories on a couple of salient facts. Sec. of State Hillary Clinton and her State Department fabricated a known lie, blaming the attack on spontaneous riots against an Anti-Islamic video. That very night, as the firefight raged in Benghazi and Zero American outside support was supplied, Sec. Hillary Clinton emailed her daughter saying that in the attacks "two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an al-Qaeda like group" before laying her head down on her pillow to sleep. The following day she emailed Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Kandil, "we know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack, not a protest." That's not what the loved ones of the dead from of the attack heard from Sec. Clinton at the Airport.
And may God have mercy on the timid souls who did nothing to defend besieged Americans under attack for 13 hours. Was the foot-dragging due to never-ending political analysis that lead to paralysis, resulting in leaving our Americans out there to fend for themselves? President Obama's bid for re-election was only a couple of months away. For God's sake, 13 hours is enough time to fly Soldiers from Ft. Polk over to Libya!
Inaction while calculating the possible political damage is not what makes America an exceptional nation. Courage. Honor. Valor. Love of country. Love of LIBERTY! And a willingness to do what is right, even if it costs me everything.
I love America. Because we stand for Liberty.
See you tomorrow as we honor and hear from Mark "Oz" Geist, and ask God to remind our hearts with clarity about what is right.