#NeverForget #911 #WeRemember
America is and has been a world-changing force for good, for freedom and for the rights of people. Our foundation as a nation was a spark that changed the world: Your human dignity is given from God, not from kings or governments, that #FreedomIsBetter and it must be declared as our foundation as a self-governing people, and defended with all the moral fortitude we can muster. We did not start perfect, but the start was good and gave us the tools to correct our then tolerated evils (slavery), and the trajectory toward Freedom has gotten better and better, through pain, blood and death.
In this age, it's in vogue in Hollywood & entertainment, in academia, in the media, and other places to equivocate "both sides" and tear down America. I reject that. Some cultures & groups don't like our Freedom, so they make war upon us. Islamic Radicalism & Jihad declared war upon the West some 4+ decades ago. Last November, we visited New York and the #911Memorial. It was the love of friend, neighbor and country that sent those firemen into burning buildings to save the trapped. Free men and women can make that brave decision, and receive the victors crown as a result! Valor and sacrifice like that is not easily forgotten. When the left tells you it's America's fault for #911, you remind them that #FreedomIsBetter than the world the Islamic Radicals seek, where barbaric treatment of women, for example, shows what's within their evil ideology, and that they are wrong!
I am proud to be an American. Proud to honor the fallen, whose lives and future on this earth was stolen by soldiers from an evil army. Those 19 Islamic terrorists had their moment. My belief this that they are regretting it now.