America's Future - A Free People Get to Choose
I took my twin 13 year old daughters to the Avenue of Flags yesterday. The Sons of the American Revolution organize the display of 970 Casket Flags of Veterans who have passed from this life to the next. I think is the largest such display in the United States.
It is breathtaking.
And I am seldom at a loss for words. I went to share with experience on Periscope, and as I started the introduction, a breath of wind broke in sending the flags-a-waving, and I could only think of Francis Scott Key's Star Spangled Banner, and began to sing it!
We walked, talked, and I took pictures. And thanked the volunteers. (I've helped put them up and take them down other times.)
My favorite pictures are the ones where the Sunshine is peering through the flag, as in the picture at the top of the post. You can see the Sunshine breaking over the edge as Old Glory waves with grace and honor in the wind. This is how it is in a Free Country. We the People hold the reigns, and as we move, as our character and honor ebb and flow, the Sunlight is either Obscured, OR it Shines Forth, covering the land with Freedom and Her children, hope, joy, prosperity, liberty and sacrifice, love and compassion. #FreedomIsBetter
P.S. Some moments yesterday and today, I'm just gripped with the compelling nature of Freedom. We get to choose a path. It can go either way. The trajectory of America is a force for good, for bringing justice eventually, even when we didn't do it to begin with (slavery).#FreedomIsBetter